Meet Your Counselor
Marsha McAtee
[email protected]
[email protected]
The vision for the School Counselors at Tygarts Valley Middle/High School aligns with the vision of all counselors in West Virginia, “that the training, support, skills, and knowledge that they provide will assist all West Virginia students to reach their fullest potential and successfully manage their lives as healthy, responsible, competent and productive citizens who respect themselves and others.” The school counselors will address needs and concerns specific to current Tygarts Valley Middle/High School students to assist all students in reaching their highest potential and becoming healthy and contributing members of society.
things to know ABOUT HIGH SCHOOLStudents Graduating 2020 & beyond (revised 2016)
PEP - What is it? & Why Do I Need It? tvmhs_pep_plan.pdfPersonalized Education Plan (PEP) Senior Follow Up Plan IT"S NEVER TOO EARLY TO thinK ABOUT......ACT - Create your account, locate testing centers/dates & register
NCAA - Official Website to Register for College Sports SAT - Create your College Board Account, Kahn Academy, locate testing center/dates & register POST HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION & EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES
PROGRAMS & SCHOLARSHIPSUpdated list of scholarships
House Bill 2535 or “Jamie’s Law” passed during the 2015 Regular Legislative Session. Jamie’s Law requires public middle and high school administrators to disseminate and provide opportunities to discuss suicide prevention awareness information to all middle and high school students by September 1st of each school year. Click here to view education and resources available. RESIDENCY FORM Electronic form that is sent directly to the County Office. INTERNET SAFETY Tygarts Valley Middle/High School is committed to supporting 21st century teaching and learning. Given the pace at which new Web 2.0 tools emerge, such as blogs, wikis, and podcasts, our staff recognizes the need to implement a comprehensive program to teach the safe, effective and ethical use of these digital age technologies to staff, students, and parents. Click here to view sites and resources that can be used to educate and learn about Internet safety. UNDERSTANDING ADDICTION The Addicted Brain |